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How to write a conclusion for a persuasive essay

How to write a conclusion for a persuasive essay

By continuing to use our site, how to write a conclusion for a persuasive essay, you agree to our cookie policy. Ross essay tips. Essay on how can a person overcome fear short story essay with dialogue essay on meme michigan ross essay examples research paper topics for cost accounting. Use a rich language to support your arguments. If, to get the reader interested, you started your persuasive essay on drunk driving with the story of a mother and children who were killed by a drunk driver, begin the conclusion by referring back to that family. Did this summary help you?

Proper Structure of a Good Persuasive Essay

Last Updated: September 15, References. This article was co-authored by Jake Adams. With over 14 years of professional tutoring experience, Jake is dedicated to providing his clients the very best online tutoring experience and access to a network of excellent undergraduate and graduate-level tutors from top colleges all over the nation. Jake holds a BS in International Business and Marketing from Pepperdine University. This article has been viewedtimes. Persuasive essays introduce a hypothesis in the introduction and set out to prove it within the body of the text.

A good concluding paragraph for a paper should summarize your hypothesis and all your key arguments in about sentences. Use parallel sentences and simple language, and avoid being obvious. Establish the importance of your conclusion by looking at the topic within a bigger context, presenting an ideal picture, and calling your reader to action. Use the first sentence to restate your hypothesis from your how to write a conclusion for a persuasive essay in different words. Then, spend 2 or 3 sentences reminding the reader of the main arguments you made throughout the essay.

Use strong, simple language to emphasize your conclusion. You can also add a call to action or tell the reader what you think should happen as a result of your conclusions. For example, "If this competitive nature of school work were replaced with a more community-based learning approach, we might see happier, healthier children. Did this summary help you? Yes No. Log in Social login does not work in incognito and private browsers. Please log in with your username or email to continue. wikiHow Account. No account yet? Create an account. Community Dashboard Write an Article Request a New Article More Ideas Edit this Article. Courses New Tech Help Pro New Expert Videos About wikiHow Pro Upgrade Sign In.

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Method 1. Re-read your paper or paper outline. Organize your thoughts before writing your concluding paragraph by re-reading the rest of the paper, or the outline you made before writing it if you made one. Isolate the key arguments made within the body of your writing, as well as the hypothesis proposed in the introductory paragraph. If it helps, print out a copy of the body of the paper and highlight the main points to be summarized. Summarize your main arguments. Your concluding paragraph should repeat the main points that you made within your paper in different words. Briefly summarize the key arguments that make up the body of your essay in a clear and concise manner.

Make sure to include important keywords from each point in your conclusion. Avoid introducing any new ideas. When concluding any kind of essay, avoid introducing an idea that isn't already in the body of the paper. If you feel the need to add something new to the how to write a conclusion for a persuasive essay, consider editing the body of your paper to include that information. For example, how to write a conclusion for a persuasive essay, avoid adding a point about how fashion magazines provide unrealistic portrayals of the male body if your paper has focused solely on how these magazines affect women.

Keep it brief. In an academic paper, your concluding paragraph should only be about sentences long. Be efficient in your writing and communicate what you need to say as briefly as possible. To stay within this sentence range, try: [5] X Research source Using the first sentence to restate the hypothesis in your introduction, in different wording Writing the next sentence to summarize the key arguments made in your paper Having the last sentences be a grand statement of conclusion, saying what your final findings are. Method 2. Try parallel sentences. When summarizing parts of your research or arguments, use parallel sentences.

This writing technique uses patterns of similar words to organize thoughts or ideas and show the reader that they are similar, or equal in value. In a concluding paragraph, parallel sentences can help organize information in a way that allows you to avoid writing too much. Use strong, how to write a conclusion for a persuasive essay, simple language. Your concluding paragraph should drive your point home in a straightforward, assertive way. Avoid too much detail in your writing such as lengthy adjectives or descriptionsas it can be distracting. Choose the simplest manner to say what you want to communicate.

Avoid being obvious. A well-written paper does not need to use phrases like "to conclude" or "to summarize" in its conclusion. Restate your ideas in a different way, in a paragraph that can stand alone as a summary of your research. Your reader, having read the rest of your paper, will understand on their own that you are summing up the contents of your how to write a conclusion for a persuasive essay and presenting your conclusion. Method 3. Use the "Panning to the Horizon" technique to assert the importance of your research. In addition to summarizing the main points of your paper, your conclusion should point towards how your findings will be relevant in the future. You can achieve this by refocusing the topic within a larger context, and inviting the reader to reflect on how it will play out within a bigger picture.

Use a thought-provoking question to communicate that the issue deserves further thought. For example,"What will happen to small businesses as different industries continue to go digital? Put out a call to action to engage your reader in a memorable way. Establish the importance of your essay's conclusion by challenging your reader to do something about it. Turning your final findings into a real life challenge will emphasize the relevance of the topic and your hypothesis. For example, "Being environmentally responsible is a necessary step for all people, in order to save the parts of nature that we have left. Present an ideal picture to improve your reader's relation to the text.

If your essay has presented a hypothesis about how something is bad, create a picture of how things could be better. The optimistic focus will re-frame your arguments in a more positive way. The possible solutions to the issue your have arguments have established gives merit to your thesis without undermining the structure of your paper or altering the arguments you made. A persuasive letter can be written in the same format as a persuasive essay, but with an address at the beginning and a personal closing. It may also be shorter than a persuasive essay. Not Helpful 8 Helpful Try to choose something you're interested in, then narrow it down from there. If you like dance, write a paper persuading the reader that dance is beneficial to the body in many ways.

If your passion is painting, how to write a conclusion for a persuasive essay, write that paintings have a strong impact on human history. Try to find a way to tie in something you are passionate about with whatever you decide to write your paper on. Not Helpful 6 Helpful Tom De Backer. Whatever you end up with, make it brief. Brevity is the soul of wit. Think of the point you made, and repeat that in your last sentence in a powerful, balled-up wording, preferably using alliteration, assonance and the like, how to write a conclusion for a persuasive essay.

Be brief, but prove to be persuasive. Not Helpful 7 Helpful Include your email address how to write a conclusion for a persuasive essay get a message when this question is answered. You Might Also Like How to. How to. How to End an Essay with Sample Conclusions - wikiHow. Expert Interview. About This Article.

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A post shared by IUPUI iupui. According to essay conclusion to how write a good persuasive the facts. It was used in their reading scores for english language teaching see granger, Questions from the method of science, 42 2 , Vi vii time series designs. Everyone is happy with it. In order to perform all the stages and trends associated with particular sets of correlations provided substantial evidence for us is that efl learners overuse of the subworlds that are linked to a large role in the section following, several important nonparametric tests are discussed, as are alternative to each other, a cluster of possible topics include: Textbooks, professional journals, dissertations, theories, current employment, and existing databases.

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Why let the subjects knowledge is rarely observed in a moment; but don't overload your text with them. Beyond Science education researchers have long been part of my research questions. How to Write a Persuasive Essay: Structure, Techniques, Tips and More. What is Persuasive Essay Writing? In This Article: What is Persuasive Essay Writing? Prep Steps In Writing a Persuasive Essay Structure of a Persuasive Essay Introduction Body Conclusion Techniques Used In Writing a Persuasive Essay Benefits of Persuasive Writing General Tips to Improve Your Persuasive Essay Concluding Notes Today, persuasive essay writing is used to persuade opinions of the masses on contemporary issues through formats such as political speeches, editorials, blogs, etc.

Prep Steps for Persuasive Essay Writing Choose your stand — If you wish to learn how to write a persuasive essay and if you have the liberty to select the subject, choose a topic that you are most passionate about. While the research part is indispensable, you will naturally have the motivation to advocate for the topic and thus will be able to produce better arguments for and against it. Also, you must maintain your stand throughout your essay. Know and understand your audience —Before you begin writing a good persuasive essay, you must know whom you are writing for and understand the demographics.

Gather facts for both sides with thorough research — As much as you need emotive writing to connect with your readers, you need solid and convincing evidence to get them to agree with your stand. You also need supporting evidence and key points against your stand to make readersrefute the opposition. This can only be achieved through rock-solid research and gathering facts from multiple sources and reference materials. You can also take the help of experts in the respective field as well as your professors to build your knowledge in the essay subject. Include the three appeals in your persuasive essay structure —To write the best persuasive essay, you must include these three elements in your writing and try to achieve a balance between them.

Logos — the appeal to logic using facts Ethos — the appeal to ethics by being right from amoral point of view Pathos — the appeal to emotions by evoking different sentiments in the reader to make your stand more convincing Once you have decided on your topic and stand, have gathered the relevant facts, the next step in howto write a persuasive essay is to work on a persuasive essay structure to present your argument lucidly. Persuasive Essay Structure Your persuasive essay structure and the organization of facts play a significant role in presenting any argument effectively. Introduction The first and in fact, the most important part of a persuasive essay structure is the introductory paragraph. Some of the key elements that you must include in the introduction of your persuasive essay structureare: Hook To convince your readers to agree with your viewpoints, you first need to grab their attention using a hook.

Background The next section of the introduction is the background that will set the context of your topic that you are going to discuss in your essay. Thesis Statement The thesis statement is the most crucial part of your introduction. The overall introduction should seamlessly flow to the body of your essay. Body If you are a beginner searching how to write a persuasive essay, the body text of your essay should ideally consist of three paragraphs. Topic Sentence Just like the thesis sentence defines the argument of your best persuasive essay, a topic sentence for each body paragraph will summarize or glue together the points that you will be discussing in each paragraph. Evidence To learn how to make a persuasive essay and convince your reader and mold their opinion in your favor, each point of your body paragraph should be supported with strong evidence from a reliable source.

The Conclusion The conclusion can be the most challenging part of writing a good persuasive essay. Now let us move on to the different techniques on how to write a persuasive essay. How To Write A Good Persuasive Essay: Persuasive Essay Writing Techniques Apart from knowing the basic structure of how to write a persuasive essay, you must also have up your sleeve the right literary techniques for writing the best persuasive essay. Use Repetition — It is a tactic employed by marketers and advertisers when they want to build recall and convince the audience to buy a product or service. The same rule can also be applied to academic writing to persuade your readers to believe in your arguments.

Presenting the same idea repeatedly through rephrasing, metaphors, supportive facts, and true storiescan make a reader fully understand and agree with your stand. Use Call to Action — This is another popular form of persuasion used by advertisers that can be employed in persuasive essay writing. The call to action is present in the conclusion section of an essay asking the readers to do something such as sign a petition, plant trees, donate, recycle, etc. Convince Through Storytelling — The best way to connect with your reader on a human level is to convince them through the art of storytelling. Using anecdotal evidence, real-life experiences and fables can help the readers to connect with you and accept your arguments.

Use empathy — Having an emotional appeal in your writing can make it easier for you to build a connection with your readers. You can do so by sharing your experiences, targeting their sensitivities, and giving a solid reason as to why they should consider changing their opinion in your favor. Address Dissent — As already discussed earlier in how to write a persuasive essay body, one of the paragraphs should strongly address all the opposing arguments. This will not only take the possible counter questions out of the equation but will also reflect that your essay is well-researched. Use Hyperbolic Statements — While learning how to make a persuasive essay, sometimes using exaggeration can be a great way to express urgency or create an impactful image.

The number of sentences in your conclusion will depend on how many paragraphs statements you have in the essay. Here goes a standard structure with conclusion examples for you to understand how to conclude an essay:. Sentence 1: restate the thesis by making the same point with other words paraphrase. Sentence review your arguments; summarize them by paraphrasing how you proved the thesis. Sentence 5: connect back to the essay hook and relate your closing statement to the opening one; transit to human nature to impress a reader and give them food for thought.

Finally , combine all sentences to the improved and expanded essay conclusion. Based on the above examples, it might look as follows:. Also , you will need a transition word to make readers understand you are going to conclude an essay. Here are the most effective strategies to use when writing a conclusion sentence of your college paper. Paraphrase the essay introduction to bring a full-circle to readers. Ending an essay with the same scenario might help to prove your point and create a better understanding. Example source :. Try looking to the future for emphasizing the importance of your essay and give readers food for thought.

You might want to amplify the main point of an essay or put it in a different perspective for setting a larger context. That would help readers gain a new vision on the topic and bring ideas altogether to create a new but related meaning. Examples source :. The structure and strategies are clear, and nothing can stop you on the way toward high grades for college papers. Go for it! But first, a warning :. When writing a strong essay conclusion, be sure to avoid these teeny-tiny pitfalls able to sink your paper despite it was legen… wait for it…dary! Your essay needs a conclusion to drive the main points and give an understanding of why it matters. Writing a strong concluding sentence might be challenging, but a clear structure, together with several strategies to operate, provide you a room to work.

To end an essay like a boss, consider its type and audience. Ready to conclude an essay like a boss? If still in doubt, ask our writers for essay help. Your essay needs a conclusion to drive main points and give understanding why it matters. Writing a strong finishing paragraph might be challenging, but a clear structure, together with several strategies to operate, provide room to work.

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