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We use cookies to give you the best experience possible, educational autobiography essay. My name is J. and I was born in FL on August 25, I was adopted and became a baby sister to Jay who was 7 years old. We lived in the same house throughout my school years. My parents had a successful marriage and both worked in the medical field. Their careers included being a trauma educational autobiography essay, instructor, teacher, paramedic, firefighter and more. They worked hard to provide my brother and me a stable environment, making sure we were always learning.
From a very young age, my parents taught the growth mindset, which is discussed in Mindset by C. Throughout school, I always had an ambition to learn and do my best and I did value what I was doing. My parents taught Jay and me the importance of finishing school and doing your best. I was a member of the art club, Rotary club, volleyball, softball, marching band and orchestra, educational autobiography essay. In my junior year, I made a poor decision: I became pregnant. I gave the baby up for adoption to a loving family. While I had a huge support system at home, I also had one at school, in a chemistry teacher, Mrs. Reek, who was a unique teacher that inspired her students to do their best and work hard.
She was successful at motivating those in her class to learn and made it fun. Reek truly cared about the well-being of her students and was the only teacher I had who took time from her life to call and check on me after my pregnancy, educational autobiography essay. You have to pick up the pieces and continue where you left off. I had to learn the chemistry lessons and theories on my own at educational autobiography essay during that time. I spent hours teaching myself chemistry and made a commitment that I was going to work my hardest to get an A in the class. While I was happy with my grade, I was more grateful for the support and encouragement i received from my parents but, educational autobiography essay Mrs.
She taught me that through life there will be struggles and you have to make your own decision to continue on your path of greatness. Reek opened the door for me in that subject and made it so interesting and fun to learn. The only problem I had was I wanted to learn more about chemistry. As I entered college, I decided to get a Bachelors of Science, majoring in Chemistry. After I graduated, I was unsuccessful at obtaining a career in this field. A year later I educational autobiography essay Aaron whom I loved and was to be married to. Two weeks before my wedding, my dad passed away unexpectedly. My fiancée and I decided to continue with the wedding as planned and have the memorial service the day after.
We wanted everyone who had to travel a long distance to have the opportunity to attend the wedding and memorial service, educational autobiography essay. In the days leading up to the wedding and days educational autobiography essay, I received a lot of emails, phone calls and letters; which was to be expected for someone who had just lost someone so special. What I did not expect was the kind words everyone had to say about my dad. All of these people, some who I had never met before, some who educational autobiography essay not seen my dad in decades, even some who did not have direct contact with my dad all respected him as a great man, educational autobiography essay, mentor and teacher.
It was in that moment that I realized I wanted to become a teacher. As a teacher I can teach the students the values and life lessons I have learned. I can expose them to the growth mindset my parents taught me. I can teach students that it is ok if they make a mistake or get discouraged. In that moment, I can then teach educational autobiography essay that they have the choice to re-focus, choose to do their best and make their own path of greatness. I hope to teach students that they can be anything they want to be as long as they are responsible, persistent and hard working. I want to teach math and chemistry in secondary schools, educational autobiography essay. Over the years I have witnessed how hard it is for people to learn and apply the skills learned from these subjects.
I have the knowledge and know how to become a successful teacher. If Educational autobiography essay can teach and inspire even a portion of the amount of people my dad did, I will be the wealthiest person in the world, educational autobiography essay. Bibliography: Dweck, Carol S. Mindset: the new psychology of success. New York: RandomHouse, Essays Database Education My Educational Autobiography Essay. My Educational Autobiography Essay. Related Essays. Topics of Discussion in Educational Studies Essay Words 3 Pages. My Math Autobiography Essay Words 4 Pages.
The Educational Philosophies Of Existentialism And Social Reconstructionism Essay Words 2 Pages. Essay about I Am A Student Growth Mindset Essay Words 2 Pages, educational autobiography essay. Why Learn History Essay Words 18 Pages. My Educational Biography Essay Words 6 Pages. Educational Psychology - Teacher Interview Essay Words 2 Pages. My Academic Autobiography Essay Words 4 Pages. Providing Praise And Feedback For Encouraging A Growth Mindset Essay Words 2 Pages. Essay About Educational Philosophy Words 4 Pages.
Choose Type of service Writing Rewriting Educational autobiography essay. Standard Standard quality. Bachelor's or higher degree, educational autobiography essay. Master's or higher degree. Over 30 successfully finished orders. Page count 1 page words. Educational autobiography essay your custom essay sample. Sorry, but downloading is forbidden on this website. Topic: My Educational Autobiography Essay How About Make It Original? Thank You! As we grew up, my parents allowed my brother and me to make our own choices and never made us do anything we didn't want to. Sherrie Hood.
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Her journey has been a rough one tempting her to quit numerous times. At 24, single mother dealing with the loss of her fiance, she attends school, completes her assignments and remains focused. She shared her plans on becoming a PA Physican Assistant which will require her continuing school after graduation. Her relentless struggle has inspired me to want it to. Not qualifying for more promotions, and the fear of being stuck as a Group Leader for 7 more years frightened me. Seeing job openings for MSC Medicaid Service Coordinator , Manager, Assistant Manager, knowing the only thing that kept me from them was a college degree filled me with resentment. I needed a change, I decided to go back to school. I started my first semester on January 27, at the College of New Rochelle.
I will be working towards a Bachelors degree in Liberal Arts Psychology. My plans upon completion are to assist others with identifying the obstacles in their lives that are preventing their emotional growth, and overcoming them. During my first class the instructor Mr. Gaddy mentioned a quote by George Elliott. Reek truly cared about the well-being of her students and was the only teacher I had who took time from her life to call and check on me after my pregnancy. You have to pick up the pieces and continue where you left off. I had to learn the chemistry lessons and theories on my own at home during that time. I spent hours teaching myself chemistry and made a commitment that I was going to work my hardest to get an A in the class.
While I was happy with my grade, I was more grateful for the support and encouragement i received from my parents but, especially Mrs. She taught me that through life there will be struggles and you have to make your own decision to continue on your path of greatness. Reek opened the door for me in that subject and made it so interesting and fun to learn. The only problem I had was I wanted to learn more about chemistry. As I entered college, I decided to get a Bachelors of Science, majoring in Chemistry. After I graduated, I was unsuccessful at obtaining a career in this field. A year later I met Aaron whom I loved and was to be married to. Two weeks before my wedding, my dad passed away unexpectedly. My fiancée and I decided to continue with the wedding as planned and have the memorial service the day after.
We wanted everyone who had to travel a long distance to have the opportunity to attend the wedding and memorial service. In the days leading up to the wedding and days after, I received a lot of emails, phone calls and letters; which was to be expected for someone who had just lost someone so special. What I did not expect was the kind words everyone had to say about my dad. All of these people, some who I had never met before, some who had not seen my dad in decades, even some who did not have direct contact with my dad all respected him as a great man, mentor and teacher. It was in that moment that I realized I wanted to become a teacher. As a teacher I can teach the students the values and life lessons I have learned. I can expose them to the growth mindset my parents taught me.
I can teach students that it is ok if they make a mistake or get discouraged. In that moment, I can then teach them that they have the choice to re-focus, choose to do their best and make their own path of greatness. I hope to teach students that they can be anything they want to be as long as they are responsible, persistent and hard working. I want to teach math and chemistry in secondary schools. I had to study every day to keep up with the amount of materials that were given out in class—they were much deeper and complicated. As students everything we achieved leads us to the path into college; everything the students worked for from k pays off the moment they receive that acceptance letter.
Truth is students will face obstacles in college, which can cause failure. Personally, I believe that organization and mental health is what students need to be focusing on the most. Once entering college there are certain things that some students do not know, and it greatly affects their mental health. For example, my best friend and I just graduated high school this year, and once we entered college, we felt lost because of the things we did not know how to do. It is time to turn the tables and test the teachers on the challenge of college.
Throughout high school, students are told all about how difficult college is and what to expect. Not yet having experienced it, the students typically prepare for the worst. They teach themselves how to study based on the standards of their high school. They write papers, do homework, and participate in class in the attempt to meet the expectations of their teachers. I remember the teacher calling my parents one day to set up a conference about what strategies they could use at school and home to help me grasp the contents of both reading and writing. At that point I was then diagnosed with a learning disability in both reading and writing as well as mathematics.
At the end of my first grade year the teacher and principal advised my parent to hold me back into the first grade or otherwise I would fail the second grade due to lack of reading and writing skills, So like most caring parents would do, mine chose to hold me back to see if I would improve on reading as well as writing. It was extremely hard for me because at this age I was being made fun of for not being like the other students. My second year in the first grade began, my new teacher had set me up with a resource. Educational Autobiography I am Careena Loy and in this essay I am going to conclude talking about my high school experience.
Through my past education I went through good and bad experiences where it me to struggle now through college. I also learned things out of school that made me who I am today. I will also be sharing the ways I have been praised because of my hard work and it has got me to where I am right now. Overall, high school was not a good experience for me just because there was a lot of drama and I wanted to be in college already with mature adults. While in college, I have learned that there are difficult transitions you have to be willing to make in order to maximize your college success.
Pace of class was one of the most difficult transitions I had to adapt to in my first semester of college. In high school you normally discussed one type of topic a day, however, that is not the case in college. Multiple topics are throw in the course of one class period. Strategy that.
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