Journal Study on Health affairs: Health Affairs, published by Project HOPE, is a bimonthly journal devoted to publishing the leading edge in health policy thought and research. Impact of Obesity on Society Evidence of the considerable costs of obesity to individuals and society is rich. An individual is an obese when his or her weight is approximately twenty or more percent above the normal weight. There are many reasons that account for this, some of which have to do with modern life and others that are attributable to personal choices made by individuals and families on behalf of children. We use cookies to personalyze your web-site experience. Tausch and Hewstone asked essay on obesity group stereotypes were malleable in the face of disconfirming information, essay on obesity.
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Obesity is a condition wherein a lot of excess fat accumulates in the body. It generally occurs when a person consumes excessive food and does not indulge in physical activity on a regular basis. Obesity increases the chances of incurring diseases such as diabetes, sleep apnea and osteoarthritis. Obesity is usually caused due to essay on obesity intake of excessive food and lack of proper physical exercise, essay on obesity. It is also suspected to be a genetic problem. This condition increases the chances of developing various health problems requiring urgent attention.
Here are some essays of varying lengths to help you with the topic in your exams. Obesity generally occurs when a person consumes more than the required amount of food on a regular basis and does not indulge in physical activities to burn the excess fat. The problem can also be genetic and may even be caused as a side effect of certain medicines or psychological factors such as sadness, depression, nervousness, etc. Obesity is not just a problem in essay on obesity own; it can lead to essay on obesity serious health problems such as cardiovascular diseases, essay on obesity, brain stroke, infertility, sleep apnea and diabetes. If you do not prevent this problem from occurring, you will have to undergo extensive treatment to cure it, essay on obesity.
Obesity is mostly the outcome of a combination of two things — regular intake of excessive food and absence of physical activity. It may usually, not necessarily, be a genetic problem and might even occur as a side effect of certain essay on obesity. Here is a detailed look at the causes of this condition and the ways to prevent and treat it, essay on obesity. One of the leading causes of obesity is the regular consumption of more than the required quantity of food combined with lack of proper physical activity.
It has been observed that some people tend to eat excessively when they are going through a tough time in life. This eventually leads to weight gain and obesity. Regular intake of certain medicines such as oral contraceptives and antidepressants may also lead to weight gain and eventually result in obesity. It is essential to have a healthy diet that includes fresh fruits, green leafy vegetables, essay on obesity, whole grains and cereals. Avoid oily and sugary food items. Even as you choose to eat healthy, keep a tab on how much you eat and also the frequency of your meals. While it is best to prevent obesity by following the aforementioned tips, however if you fall prey to this condition it is best to consult a doctor immediately to get it cured as it is not only a problem in its own but can also lead to many other health issues such as heart problem, gallstones, sleep apnea and infertility, to name a few.
Obesity usually occurs when a person makes it a habit to consume more than the required quantity of food and does not indulge in enough physical activity. This condition may even be inherited and might occur due to certain other reasons too. As stated earlier, the main cause of developing this condition is regular intake of more than the required amount of food coupled with lack of physical activity. It has been observed that some people tend to eat excessively when they are going through a tough time. Obesity may even run in the family. If either of the parents has this problem then it is likely for the child to develop it.
Certain oral contraceptives, antidepressants and other medicines might also result in weight gain and having these over essay on obesity period of time may lead to obesity. It may lead to the following:. As grave as this problem is, it can be prevented by making some simple yet healthy lifestyle choices. Here is a look at the same:. Keep a check on your calorie intake and have a fibre and nutrient-rich diet that includes green leafy vegetables, fresh fruits, essay on obesity, whole grains and cereals. Merely choosing healthy food options is not enough, you must also keep a watch on how much and how frequently you eat. It is best to have five to six small meals at regular intervals during the day rather than gulping three large meals, essay on obesity.
Indulge in moderately intense exercise for hours per week. This can include jogging, swimming, cycling and dancing among others. Keep a tab on your body weight as well as your waist size in order to ensure that things are under control. Obesity, a growing problem around the world, can be prevented by following a healthy diet plan and setting a regular exercise regime, essay on obesity. However, in case the problem occurs due to any reason then it is suggested to seek medical help to get it treated at the earliest. Obesity is said to be an outcome of regular consumption of excessive food and absence of enough physical activity to burn the extra fat accumulated in the body.
Read on to have a detailed look at the causes of obesity, the ways in which it impacts our body and also the methods to prevent and treat this problem, essay on obesity. As mentioned above, obesity occurs because of excessive consumption essay on obesity food and lack of enough physical activity. Here is a essay on obesity at the other reasons that lead to obesity:. Emotions such as boredom, nervousness, anger and stress impact eating habits in certain people. These people increase their food intake as a response to these negative emotions. Some antidepressants, anticonvulsants and oral contraceptives may lead to weight gain and it may ultimately result in obesity. Make sure you do not have heavy meals. It is suggested to have small meals during the day rather than having 3 large meals.
It is essential to be active through the day. Indulge in physical activities. It is suggested to squeeze in at least half an hour per day to indulge in moderately intense physical activities such as swimming, essay on obesity, jogging, dancing and cycling among others. Keep a check on your body weight and waist size. Make necessary changes in your diet and increase your exercise time in case you see an upward trend. An immediate change in the diet plan is essential to overcome this problem. Make sure you consult a doctor to get the dietary changes made. Indulging in physical exercise is the next big step towards controlling this problem. It helps in shedding the extra calories. This option is particularly suggested to those whose body mass index is 40 or higher or in case the body mass index is greater than 30 and in addition to it, the person has at least one medical condition directly linked to obesity.
Though a serious health problem, obesity can be cured by following a healthy lifestyle. It is essential to follow a healthy diet plan and exercise regime to prevent this problem from developing. Obesity is a health condition wherein a person puts on excessive weight due to regular consumption of more than the required amount of food and lack of physical activity. This condition may even be genetic or might develop because of psychological factors essay on obesity as a side effect of certain medicines. Here is a detailed look at the causes and effects of obesity and also the ways to curb this problem. Overeating : Regular consumption of more than the required amount of food, particularly that rich in fats, leads to weight gain.
The frequency of food intake also impacts the metabolism, essay on obesity. Genetic : A person is likely to develop this condition if one or both parents suffer from obesity. This essay on obesity because genetics impact the hormones involved in fat regulation. Lack of Physical Exercise : People who do not indulge in enough exercise burn fewer calories as compared to those who are active. Consuming excessive food without indulging in physical activity often leads to obesity, essay on obesity. Medicines: There are certain medications such as antidepressants, valproate, anticonvulsants, some diabetes medicines and oral contraceptives that may result in weight gain and might ultimately cause obesity. Health Conditions : Health conditions such as hypothyroidism, polycystic ovary syndrome and insulin resistance may also cause essay on obesity. They increase their food intake as a response to these emotions.
People suffering from obesity are often discriminated and are prone to depression. It is better to prevent the problem from occurring rather than looking for ways to treat the same later. However, those who develop it owing to any reason must get it treated at the earliest so as to prevent the risk of developing aforementioned health problems. Here are the ways in which this problem is treated:. Dietary Changes : Making changes in your diet is the first step towards controlling obesity. If you have already developed this condition, it is suggested to consult a physician to help you make the required dietary changes.
Over-the-Counter Diet Pills: Over the counter diet pills include ingredients that help in reducing weight and maintaining it over time. However, these pills may have side effects such as heart palpitation. Exercise: It is essential to devote minutes to exercise each day. Indulge in moderately intense exercises during this time to burn the excess body fat. Prescribed Pills: Rather than going for over the counter diet pills, it is suggested to have pills as suggested by your doctor in order to cure the problem. Surgery : Weight loss surgery is suggested for those whose body mass index BMI is 40 or higher or in case the BMI is or greater and in addition to it, the person has a minimum of one medical condition directly linked to obesity. Obesity essay on obesity a serious health problem that gives way to many other major health issues including heart disease, sleep apnea, asthma, gallstones and infertility, to name a few.
Caused mainly due to excessive fat accumulation in the body, it can be prevented by essay on obesity healthy eating habits, regular exercise and keeping a tab on your body weight. Prevention is better than Cure Essay. Health is Wealth Essay. Essay on Healthy Lifestyle. Essay on Health and Fitness. Shailja is one of those who is lucky to have turned her passion into her profession. A post graduate in English Literature, writing comes naturally to her and she is doing what she does best - writing and editing. An avid reader, a fashion junkie, nature lover, essay on obesity, adventure freak and a travel enthusiast are some of the other terms that describe her. Find all. Essay on obesity Help us to improve, Contact us.
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The Main Causes of Childhood Obesity Essay. The Effects of Insulin Resistance on Obesity Essay. Research of the Worldwide Problem of Obesity Essay. My Experience of Morbid Obesity Essay. Parents Should Be Aware of the Dangers of Fast Food Restaurants Essay. Role of Food Advertisements in Fast Food Industry Essay. Find Free Essays We provide you with original essay samples, perfect formatting and styling. Cite this Essay To export a reference to this article please select a referencing style below: APA MLA Harvard Vancouver The Most Common Causes of Obesity.
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Subscribe to 5staressay's writing blog. Get email updates. General Guides. Who are we? write my essay essay writing service essay writer. All rights reserved. LOGIN TO YOUR ACCOUNT. People may suffer from two types of anorexia nervosa. One is binge eating or purging or we can also call it over-eating and the other is the restrictive type wherein people feed very limited meals to themselves. In binge eating or purging, the person consumes large quantity of food compared to normal intakes. On the other hand, people who restrict themselves to limited quantities of food, people consider many factors like calorie intake, the carbohydrate intake factor etc. They control the intake of calories as well. In bulimia nervosa, the person does not have any control over binge eating.
Binge eating is involved in both anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa. The difference between the two is that in anorexia nervosa the person is underweight while in bulimia nervosa the person has a normal weight or is overweight. Binge eating is also one very common eating disorder. People who suffer from this disorder generally think a lot about their shape and weight. In the modern world there is easy supply and availability of food and people do not have too many difficulties to get food. With easy availability of food, people fail to distinguish between what is healthy and what is not. They fail to glance through what food suits their body type and what does not. Consumption of excess food gets stored as fat in our bodies.
Increased fat makes our body look bulky, without proper shape and leads to excess storage of lipids in muscles. This has become a major cause for all health problems in the world today. By calculating the BMI, we can easily conclude whether a person is underweight, normal or overweight. There could be health complications ranging from cancer, diabetes, high cholesterol issues, heart diseases, hypertension and arthritis. Whether we have a sedentary or active lifestyle goes a long way in deciding the extent of these diseases in our body. Obesity may be caused due to genetic factors too. Body hormones are also responsible for weight regulation. Family history and socio-cultural influences also play a significant role in attaining obesity.
Sometimes it is in the family genes due to which a person does not gain weight no matter how much they eat. Fast food joints are present all over cities and at every corner of the street. We are also influenced by the food shown to us through advertisements. The food is advertised in such a way that will tempt us to consume it. We will not think whether the food is healthy or not. The type of food we eat is also affected by our culture.
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