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Overcoming obstacles essay

Overcoming obstacles essay

Skin Cancer in Nursing words 12 pages. HIRE WRITER PREMIUM DATABASE Sign in. Overcoming obstacles essay your old papers to our essay database and help fellow students to learn from example, overcoming obstacles essay. As annoying and unpleasant as they may be, obstacles play a key role in keeping us motivated on our journey towards success by teaching us valuable lessons and helping us grow. The duration of this process depends entirely on the nature and complexity of the obstacle. Subscribe to WowEssays Premium and get access to over 1 MILLION high-quality downloadable samples GET ACCESS NOW.

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Forget the all-nighters and find some writing inspiration with our free essay samples on any topic. It's time for you to nail your overcoming obstacles essay As annoying and unpleasant as they may be, obstacles play a key role in keeping us motivated on our journey towards success by teaching us valuable lessons and helping us grow. Over the years, I have developed a variety of strategies to deal with challenging situations; some of them are the result of personal experience, while some others derive from either direct or indirect observation. Whenever I encounter an obstacle, there are three particular things that I always do to get back on the track. The duration of this process depends entirely on the nature and complexity of the obstacle, overcoming obstacles essay.

Minor obstacles can be defined and analyzed in a relatively short time, whereas major ones require more reflection and brain power. This step is extremely important as it allows me to dissect obstacles into smaller, overcoming obstacles essay, manageable ones. Need A Unique Essay on "Overcoming Obstacles Essay"? Second of all, I overcoming obstacles essay myself to think of the obstacle as an opportunity to think out of overcoming obstacles essay box and learn something new. When we set a goal and make a plan to achieve it, overcoming obstacles essay, we try to predict the future overcoming obstacles essay the best of our ability. We analyze our own strengths and weaknesses; we set deadlines and expectations; we ask ourselves what variables might affect our path to success and what resources we are going to need to ensure that everything goes according to plan.

By reminding ourselves that behind every obstacle, there is a lesson waiting to be learned, or a skill waiting to be acquired, we will always find a way to push past our impediments. As an individual who used to find it extremely difficult to keep a positive attitude when things went wrong, I have had to work very hard to develop a growth mindset that would allow me to stay focused on my goals. Thanks to this new approach, I now find it relatively easy to think creatively whenever an unexpected obstacle emerges.

Finally, I try to look at the situation I am in from different angles by discussing it with the people I trust — usually my family and best friends. Approaching a challenging situation with an open mind and a perfectly objective attitude can be very difficult when a strategy has already been developed. Having already spent a considerable amount of time thinking about the obstacle we are facing, our preconceived ideas may prevent us from seeing the obstacle from different perspectives. This is where human interaction comes into play.

Whenever I face an obstacle, I try to identify at least one person who might help me gain clarity about the situation and share my thoughts with them. In conclusion, obstacles can be an excellent source of motivation as well as an opportunity to explore new solutions to apparently insurmountable problems. By approaching adverse situations with a positive attitude and adequate strategies, we can easily turn any challenge to our advantage. When handled correctly and effectively, obstacles can help us become wiser, smarter, more creative and more resilient by equipping us with a wide range of transferable skills that may be used in a variety of contexts. Why not get a unique paper done for you? Use code: Overcoming obstacles essay Skip to content Forget the all-nighters and find some writing inspiration with our free essay samples on any topic.

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Having already spent a considerable amount of time thinking about the obstacle we are facing, our preconceived ideas may prevent us from seeing the obstacle from different perspectives. This is where human interaction comes into play. Whenever I face an obstacle, I try to identify at least one person who might help me gain clarity about the situation and share my thoughts with them. In conclusion, obstacles can be an excellent source of motivation as well as an opportunity to explore new solutions to apparently insurmountable problems. By approaching adverse situations with a positive attitude and adequate strategies, we can easily turn any challenge to our advantage.

When handled correctly and effectively, obstacles can help us become wiser, smarter, more creative and more resilient by equipping us with a wide range of transferable skills that may be used in a variety of contexts. Why not get a unique paper done for you? Use code: CUSTOM Skip to content Forget the all-nighters and find some writing inspiration with our free essay samples on any topic. Search for:. Political, social, economic, and environmental challenges expose people of color living in white dominated countries to various adversities unknown to other races.

Measures are in place to facilitate equality, but social injustices still thrive among Americans. African Americans face racial segregation and discrimination in various sectors of the society such as employment, education, and employment […]. The purpose of the scholarly project was just to increase the skin cancer knowledge and lesion identification among primary care nurse practitioners thus helping […]. According to Florida Counseling Association, use of counselors as social justice advocates is a multifaceted approach that aims to promote human development and a common good in the society by addressing numerous challenges and struggles related to both distributive and individual justice FCA, The strategy of using counselors as social justice advocates is very […].

Type of paper: Essay. Topic: Life , Boxing , Courage , Confidence , Time , Experience , Skills , Violence. One circumstance, obstacle or conflict in my life that I felt was important to overcome was a boxing match with another individual. This was the first time that I had to fight another person in an actual match. Not only that, but this person also had a lot more experience, age, and size then I did at the time. By facing this challenge, and overcoming it, I was able to change as a person in a positive way, and grow to face new challenges.

Therefore, this fight presented a representation of the importance of overcoming problems as we face them. This obstacle presented a boundary for how I viewed myself and how I faced the problems and fears that I had. By confronting this conflict, I was able to also confront many other issues that I faced in my life through the use of skills, such as being focused, overcoming fear, and confidence in myself. By using these skills I was able to improve as an individual through the persistence of overcoming these problems. The specific instance that I saw as an obstacle in my life was the time I had my first boxing match at a gym against another fighter named "Martinez. This was a difficult competition for me. Not only was the other boxer older than me by 5 years, at the time I was sixteen, but he also outweighed me by about twenty pounds.

This problem was overcome by utilizing the inherent abilities that I obtained through the trials that I had to face. By facing the fears that I had before getting into the ring and pushing past the barriers to confidence, I was able to achieve the skills and resources that I needed to resolve my problem. This was the main problem, that is, the lack of confidence in facing an older and more experienced fighter who, at the same time, outweighed me. The key to getting beyond this confidence barrier was the implementation of courage. The reason this took courage was because I had been boxing for two years at the time and finally gotten the confidence to fight someone else.

This courage was inherent, but needed to be nurtured through the confident approach that I ultimately took. By moving forward, despite the doubts that were in the back of my mind, I was able to discover a new possibility, which showed that I did indeed have the courage and ability to fight this individual. While I was really very nervous at the beginning, with all of the other trainers looking at us box and I was even defeated the first round, the next two rounds I began to try much harder and began to feel as though I could actually win. In the end I was able to defeat my opponent, and overcame the fear that I had in facing him. This presented me with a new frame of mind. This changed me by making me more confident in confronting new things. It seems as though the more issues like this I face, the more confident it makes me.

In this way, I have been able to grow into my own definition of what makes a person a man. That is, a person who confronts the issues they are faced with and are able to use them to grow. We accept sample papers from students via the submission form. If this essay belongs to you and you no longer want us to display it, you can put a claim on it and we will remove it. Just fill out the removal request form with all necessary details, such as page location and some verification of you being a true owner. Please note that we cannot guarantee that unsubstantiated claims will be satisfied. Note: this sample is kindly provided by a student like you, use it only as a guidance.

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