Thursday, January 27, 2022

Essays about animals

Essays about animals

My favourite animal is an elephant. Organizations essays about animals PETA and WWF spread awareness and work to protect the animals. Order an essay, essays about animals. These predators are known as humans. Yes, it is nonfiction. We love thinking and talking about them. Introduction Animals, like humans, are independent creatures that are able to live on their own as well as in a group.

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Animals are the most precious living beings that God has given us. They have occupied this earth as long as humans have. There are different species in animals, firstly there are mammals which includes lion, cow, bears, etc. fourth we have birds and lastly insects which are really small. Formerly animals such as horses, donkeys and camels were used for the transportation purpose, dogs for protection and some other animals as their companions also known as pets, dogs have been great companions and help to handicaps and old people. Moreover, some animals essays about animals made to help control the animal population for example, the tiger who is considered as the king of the jungle.

People are cutting down the trees from the forests to expand the buildings and factories making animals lose their home and making them extinct, essays about animals. There are people who cages them and keeps them away from their families making them feel depressed and lonely which affects their well-being. Water species are also being harmed by water pollution and industrial wastes that endangers the life of water animals. Hunters also tortures the animals and then kills them for the fashion products such as fur and leather.

Furthermore, animals are also used as drug or product testing in research laboratories. Animal lives are sacrificed to protect the humans from any future drugs essays about animals may be harmful for them. Animals are also used in circuses and are essays about animals to show different tricks to entertain themselves and earn money from them which is pure animal cruelty. Earth not only belongs to the humans, animals have as much right to live on this land as humans. Organizations of PETA and WWF spread awareness and essays about animals to protect the animals, essays about animals.

Animals are also kept as detection dogs in police forces which is considered as an honor to the animals. Animals are used for joyous rides from horses, camels and elephants by children. On the 3 rd of march every year, people celebrate the World Wildlife Day to spread the awareness that the animals are in danger and needs to be protected. Animals are more reliable friends than human can ever be, dogs, cats or monkeys will never betray us as they are loyal and faithful to their companions. Animals play a very important role in our lives, humans and earth needs the animals more than animals need humans, human race depends on animals lives otherwise they cannot survive, essays about animals.

Thus, it is our duty to protect the animals from any type of cruelty. How I Won Eiffel Scholarship to Study For Free. Should I Consolidate My Federal Student Loan? The Best Scholarship to Study Abroad. Menu Baby Thesis Thesis Writing Thesis Topics Dissertation Research Paper Topics Essay Writing Essay Examples Sample Argumentative Essays Letter Writing Privacy Policy Contact Us, essays about animals. See also Short Essay on Alcoholism. See also Short Expository Essay on Eating Disorder. Useful Posts For Students How I Won Essays about animals Scholarship to Study For Free 16 Online Degree Programs From Top Universities Should I Consolidate My Federal Student Loan?

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Home Flashcards Create Flashcards Essays Essay Topics Writing Tool. Essays Essays FlashCards. Browse Essays. Sign in. Flashcard Dashboard Essay Dashboard Essay Settings Sign Out. Home Page Argumentative Essay About Animal Captivity. Argumentative Essay About Animal Captivity Words 6 Pages Open Document. Essay Sample Check Writing Quality. Show More. Related Documents Misrepresentation Of Black Women of a much bigger animal. Read More. Words: - Pages: 5. Argumentative Essay Against Animal Testing Argumentative essay: Experimenting on animals, with or against? Words: - Pages: 4. Narrative Analysis: 'Black Men And Public Space' narrative, argumentative, and literary analysis essays there were numerous instances that the expository strategies were noticeable.

Words: - Pages: 6. Ready To Get Started? They are of various shape and sizes; they have both flesh-eating and normal food eating teeth. There are many of the varieties of dogs like Doberman, German shepherd, Labrador, golden retriever etc. There are some of the breeds possessing good intelligence and smartness. They are used by our crime branch for the detection of crimes and situations. Dogs generally are of various colours, brown, black, spotted, golden etc. They even protect them from any kind of harm. Dogs are our good friends and help to erode our loneliness. They understand our pain and grief. They are perfect guards and friends.

They are good learners, as they come to learn a lot when trained and do the action and work in the same way. Generally, dogs eat bread, fish, meat, bones, and different organs. But can also eat milk, vegetables and rice. They should be fed with proper diet if domesticated. The dog is said to be a very fascinating and faithful animal. They have love and loyalty for their owner. I would like to quote an example of the same. In my neighbourhood, there was a pet dog with a nickname Julie, of Pomeranian breed. But unfortunately was injured badly.

It was very brave that even after getting injured, did not lose its hope and it was said that it fought till the robbers left the house and next day the news was there in the newspaper for the same. Even man could not be standing for anybody, in the way a dog did. I do have love and care for the road and street dogs. We should care for the animals nearby as they cannot speak and express their hunger or pain. Hence, we should have love and affection as well as responsibility towards the animals in our surrounding as they play a major role.

My favourite animal is an elephant. I am basically fond of elephants. They appear to me as the most friendly creature of this earth. As soon as the picture of elephant comes to my mind I start feeling like some divine creature filled with immense attractive nature. They are very playful, often seen enjoying with water by splashing it over one another especially the baby elephants. I find elephants as the most fascinating animal on earth and at the same time also express my fear for their drastic reduction in their numbers. The inhuman nature of man was revealed on 5 June , when we came to hear about the death of an elephant due to consumption of a pineapple filled with explosive. The elephant was pregnant. It came to the village in search of some food and ate the pineapple given by some people of the village itself.

The animal had faith in humans, so ate the fruit, but the pineapple was filled up with explosive and burnt up the whole intestinal and digestive system of the elephant. She died of grief and pain; also suffered as she could not save her unborn baby. I was shocked and cried to hear such an insane act. The thought which came to my mind was how anybody can reach such level of cruelty. There was much news we came across. The animals are creatures which cannot speak and if they trust us, we should also prove our love and loyalty rather make them suffer. The elephants are the creatures which are most sensible, compassionate, sensitive, and caring ones. They are and had been accompanying human beings from ancestral times.

But the race of development is deleting many of our wild animals. Elephants too are at great risk. They should be protected by both government and public effort. The blood of octopus is blue in color because of protein hemocyanin present in their blood. A lizard named Tuatara that is found in New Zealand has three eyes. A snail is an animal that can sleep for three years.

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